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Reinventing collections for modern commerce

A quarter of businesses fail due to accounts receivable issues - our previous companies included. We created Respaid to balance firm yet respectful messaging, ensuring you avoid this pitfall.


Unpaid bills have touched me personally at two very different stages of my life.

The first time was working in the family business - where I realized that unpaid invoices had financial consequences - and also generated a deep sense of injustice & shame at the inability to get paid for one's work.

The second time was with my own business. 20% of invoices were never paid - most of them small and a massive hassle to manage. Turning to a collection agency, I was met with refusals to handle my account & opaque, predatory pricing.

This experience drove me to find a solution to serve not only my younger self, but also all the other entrepreneurs out there who also struggle with vexing problem.

Today, by combining AI & the authority figure of the bailiff - we've created a platform that not only is delivering fantastic results for our growing customer base - but is fulfilling a broader mission to supporting the brave entrepreneurs of the world build strong, enduring companies.

John Banner
Arash Ferdowsi, Dropbox Co-Founder
Soloman Hykes, Docker Co-Founder
Brian Liu, LegalZoom Co-Founder