
Reinventing collections for modern commerce

A quarter of all businesses fail due to accounts receivable problems, including our previous companies. We created Respaid to strike a balance between a firm and respectful message, so you don't have to.


The subject of small unpaid bills has touched me personally at two very different stages in my life.

The first time was when I was very young, working occasionally in my family's furniture store. I discovered that an unpaid invoice not only had financial consequences, but also generated a deep sense of injustice, even shame, in the face of an inability to get paid for one's work.

The second time, I had become an entrepreneur myself and the subject of unpaid invoices had a severe impact on me, with around 20% of my invoices never paid. Most of these were under €5,000, but when all was said and done, the missing money was putting my business at risk. So I turned to a collection agency. Unfortunately, I couldn't solve anything: most refused B2C receivables, demanded a certain volume, and pricing seemed to depend on the mood of the salesman.

This disillusionment was, however, a founding one. In my mind, Respaid was taking shape. Sooner or later, 100% of companies face non-payment problems, and most of these concern small amounts. So I was going to create an alternative to collection agencies, accessible to all businesses. It had to be faster, more efficient and, above all, automated to eliminate that constant mental burden.

Today, we're there. By combining automation driven by Artificial Intelligence and the authority figure of the bailiff, we are achieving unprecedented results. On average, 50% of debts are recovered within 20 days. More than 450 customers have already placed their trust in us to manage their small outstanding debts, from SMEs to large groups and unicorns.

John Banner
Arash Ferdowsi, Dropbox co-founder
Soloman Hykes, co-founder of Docker
Brian Liu, co-founder of LegalZoom